Lean Project Delivery
We have reviewed the way projects are typically executed and have found a better way. Our own Lean Project Delivery approach (LPD). This provides a lower cost and better value to our customers. Its basis is:
Flat Organisation Structure – Working directors accessible to client, direct accountability which ensures decisions are made quickly.
Discipline Leads “Own” Projects – For smaller single discipline dominated projects, our discipline leads also act as project managers removing an unnecessary layer of management. The client deals directly with the people who are responsible for delivery.
Streamlined Project Reporting – Our reporting is streamlined and we provide a fit for purpose approach to project reporting that is simple and easy to understand and gives our clients a concise summary of the status of our projects. This minimises project management time and cost.
Fit for Purpose QA Procedures/Forms - Our Quality Process is a fit for purpose set of procedures ensuring that our projects are not burdened by unnecessary process.
Flexible Talent Pool – We have hand picked the best people available in the industry to make up our flexible talent pool. Our organisation has been set up so that our people can be located anywhere in Australia and still be able to work effectively utilising our simple to use tools. This means we can offer the best team for the job.
Knowledge Base - Database of standardised procedures, templates, calculation methods and designs that produces deliverables in shorter time and lower cost.
Our Characteristics
Solid Experience and Background
Flat Organisational Structure
Working Directors
Lean Project Delivery
Flexible Workforce
East Coast Presence
Our Results
We have adopted a very simple and easy to understand process for us to use which we have called our VMS process (Vecta Management System).
Our over-arching company policies signed and endorsed by our Directors provides a framework for each function so that a common and clear approach is followed by everyone in our organisation. Below sits our procedures and forms tailored to suit a lean project delivery process.
Vecta’s QA system is certified to ISO 9001:2015 by BSI Group ANZ Pty Ltd for the provision of engineering design, procurement, construction, commissioning, operations support and project management services. Our certificate number is FS706933.
Vecta’s OHS system is certified to ISO 45001:2018 by BSI Group ANZ Pty Ltd for the provision of engineering design, procurement, construction, commissioning, operations support and project management services. Our certificate number is OHS703880.